"He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, That He may seat him with princes— With the princes of His people."
Pslam 113: 7-8

Masindi, Uganda Health Sensitization and Soap Business

Since FOLA financed the opening of the medical clinic in Masindi, Uganda in 2017, we have seen the necessity to have ongoing health sensitization outreaches in this very remote bush village. We have learned that the people who live in this village are too poor to even be able to buy soap to wash hands, bathe with or to do their laundry.

We have sponsored several health sensitization outreaches there and have taught the necessity of cleanliness to keep down germs and disease. For these outreaches, FOLA has financed the purchasing of 6-inch soap bars to hand out to 240 families in the community, which in turn, has caused the sickness and disease rate to drop dramatically.

Start-up Soap Project
  • Five trustworthy entrepreneurs from community were given start up supplies.
  • Received training on how to make homemade liquid soap, as is more affordable to purchase.
  • Ongoing health sensitization outreaches continue to give entrepreneurs opportunity to sell their products.
  • Entrepreneurs were taught business management and saving and budgeting, so their new businesses can be successful.


  • Entrepreneurs with their liquid soap

  • Bottling finished soap

  • Dr. Cissy teaching

  • Dr. Cissy handing out soap

  • Dr. Cissy demonstrating handwashing

  • Teaching soap-making

  • Entrepreneurs being taught

  • Finished product