For the Love of Africa Ministries

"He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that he may seat him with princes - with the princes of His people" Psalm 113:8
“For the Love of Africa Ministries” is a 501(C) (3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation that was founded by Mary Linette in 2013. The organization, which is based out of Evansville IN, works with Christian based ministries to help provide services and support to the poor and needy in Africa. The vision of For the Love of Africa Ministries is to see African church leaders build healthy churches, individuals, families, and communities. We seek talented and equipped teams of people who desire to empower and equip church leaders to come along side their own people, encourage growth and use of their God-given talents and abilities, and help bring sustainability to areas through local resources and community-based initiatives. Our desire is for the African people to duplicate this same model in other churches and communities in impoverished and marginalized areas.
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A lot of work has been done with the construction of the new school building. We rejoice that we will no longer have structure issues, nor any termite issues! We want to thank God for this life-changing school! Special thanks to all the FOLA supporters who have contributed to this great cause! Masindi will be forever changed because of this new school!


In 2023, FOLA’s goal was to implement vocational training in the area around our Masindi farm, as we have seen that this area suffers greatly from malnutrition, sickness, and disease.

Several ongoing projects have been successful, including  those involving farming and livestock! Farmers have also been training through Farming God's Way Project (FGW), which is a Christian-based organization that works with needy farmers in poor countries.

Two of our new FOLA friends, David & Valerie Uhr went to Uganda in January for a week to teach FGW in the Masindi community. We are so thankful for the wisdom and insight David & Valerie provided us in FGW and on our farm 

We continue to try to work through the intense poverty, malnutrition, sickness and disease issues in the Masindi area around our school and farm. We felt a need to take children’s clothes on this trip to try to help the very needy children in this area. We again found the children’s clothing to be very raggy and dirty.

Stitches of Joy has been partnering with us for the last couple of years. Their organization sews and donates girl’s dresses and boys shorts to us to take to some of the very poor areas in Uganda where we work. 

Mercy High School

Dr. Gilbert, Mary Linette & team at construction site

 A generous donor is matching gifts $ for $, up to $75,000!!!

Our Uganda team started the Kampala Mercy High School in 2023 by sheer faith! They had 115 students in 2023 and have grown the school to 230 students this school year! 

They had to pause their enrollment because they do not have a separate building to house their classes, cafeteria and dormitories. Best of all is that they are 100% self-sustainable, without any outside help and support.


Would you be willing to help?

One of our faithful donors has generously offered to match our FOLA donations $ for $, up to $75,000 so we can finish the 1st floor of our Mercy High School. In order to receive these funds, FOLA must raise $75,000.

With your help, we can do it! 

Would you give a $10,000 -- $5,000 – or $1,000 gift to help us meet this challenge? Any sized gift will help us bring literacy to these underprivileged children, who otherwise have no hope of getting an education. 

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Check out our 2024 Spring Newlsetter (coming soon)