"He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that He may seat them with princes - with the princes of His people."
Psalms 113:-8

The Founder's Personal Testimony

In the early 1980’s, because of the burden I had for the poor and needy, a friend and I started a ministry in the church I attended called “Helping Hands Ministry,” in which we provided food, clothing, and necessities for the poor and needy in our area.

Over a period of years, I came to realize that God had developed in me a heart for mission work, but little did I realize that I was in the “early preparation stages” for what the Lord was calling me to. God took my heart for the poor and needy, added a love for mission work to it, and combined the two of them into one by birthing a ministry in me to a far-away place called Africa.

In the spring of 2012, I began forming a friendship with a doctor with whom I had worked with on the medical mission field in 2011. Through this friendship, I came to realize in a much deeper way, of the daily challenges and struggles people living in Africa have. In June of 2012, because of my heartfelt love for the needs of the African people, I began a blog called "For the Love of Africa."


I began to feel the Lord’s urging to help other African children and young adults by finding sponsors for their school fees. By the time I took my second mission trip in 2012, I was about 75% sure that God was calling me to do a greater work in Africa, so upon my return home, I took time to pray and seek God’s face for His will in my life. I had no desire to start a ministry, but through the leading of the Lord, "For the Love of Africa Ministries" was born. "For the Love of Africa Ministries" became a legal non-profit corporation in March of 2013.

His servant,
Mary Linette

President and Founder
For the Love of Africa Ministries