"He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, That He may seat him with princes— With the princes of His people"
Pslam 113: 7-8

Sayyi Medical Clinic

We have been able to partner with Pr. Elia Musasizi in the opening of the REM Medical Clinic on October 5, 2017 in the remote village of Sayyi, Uganda, Africa. People in this area have had to walk between 12-20 miles one way for medical treatment. The people of this village are so thankful for this medical clinic.

The medical team in Sayyi hopes to teach basic health care and nutrition in the upcoming months. Because of the professional medical care patients receive at the medical clinic, most have left their old medical traditions, which mainly stemmed from witchcraft.




The medical clinic is able to stand on its own, pays its own rent, an employee, and restocks its own drugs. It has helped curb emergencies in the community; especially in the area of malaria. They still need to expand services in the clinic, especially in the area of maternity, as the mortality rate for expectant mothers and newborn babies is very high. Also, there are no dental clinics in these remote villages, so you find about half of most patient’s teeth are not repairable, all because they have never had dental care.

  • Entrance to REM Clinic

  • Waiting room

  • Admittance desk in entrance

  • Examination room

  • Room inside clinic

  • Outside of the clinic

  • Medicines and Ointments

  • Pr. Elia,  Nurse Gloria and a Medical Assistant