"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

Masindi, Uganda Adult Literacy Program

Most people in Ugandan villages have never been to school to get an education, cannot read or write, nor do they have any basic skills or vocational training.

FOLA wrote and funded a grant in 2019 to hire a licensed teacher and purchase needed supplies to begin a adult literacy class in the remote bush village of Masindi, Uganda.  They have had such a great response to the much needed classes that, for a time, they have had to close registration.

Vocational Training Center 

Because of extreme poverty, poor living conditions and the cost associated with going to school, the illiteracy rate in Uganda is very high. Most people earn about $365 per year. It costs at least $300 per year to send one child to school, which would then leave no monies for food, rent and other very basic necessities. Most do not have any basic skills, except to digging ditches or having children. 

To combat this issue, we purchased a piece of property to be used to open a Vocational Training Center, which has been a part of FOLA’s vision for many years. We really felt that God wanted us to take this HUGE step of faith! As we moved out in faith, God was so faithful to help us raise the needed $13,500 all within a 6 weeks period of time. It was awesome! We have completed the first section in the building that we will be using for the hair dressing salon classes and are in the process of purchasing the needed equipment so we can begin.

Changing Lives...

 ...Changing Communities

  • No government or community sponsored adult literacy programs available.
  • Four generations of illiteracy very common in Masindi area.
  • Most of population cannot read or write.
  • Have no basic skills, trades or vocational training.
  • Most have not understood importance of an education.
  • FOLA saw hunger in people to learn and grow.
  • Because of community interest, in 2019, FOLA wrote grant to begin “Masindi, Uganda Adult Literacy Program.”
  • Purchased needed supplies and hired literacy teacher, who also oversees project.
  • Applicant response so overwhelming that registration had to be cut off.
  • 43 students were enrolled into two 1st ever classes.
  • 1st class graduated in December 2019 and can now read, write, and speak English.
  • Overwhelming fruit was born out of this project.
  • FOLA has expanded the program in 2020 and has added another adult literacy teacher.


  • 1st Literacy class students

  • Literacy class students

  • Literacy training class

  • Ministry overseer with students

  • First literacy class graduate

  • Adult Vocational Training Center

  • Adult Vocational Training Center  

  • Adult Vocational Training Center