"He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that He may seat them with princes - with the princes of His people."
Pslam 113: 7-8

Kampala Medical Clinic

Many large hospitals in Uganda, Africa are highly over-populated and are not affordable for most medical and dental patients, so most people never see a doctor or dentist their whole life. In most outlying areas, there are no medical facilities at all, so when a severe medical need arises, most come to the city, if possible, to seek medical care. For these reasons, we saw a serious need to help provide medical care for the poor and needy in a particular suburb area of Kampala known as Lusanja. Like many areas in Kampala, it is a highly populated area, with many small plots of land and small houses built back to back.

The Medical Center houses a pharmacy, two doctor’s offices, a laboratory,  birthing room, examination room, three 5-patient wards and a maternity ward, a reception area and administrative offices. With this new medical facility, Mercy Health Services will be able to meet the needs of the community and surrounding areas by offering medical services and patient intervention after medical camps, which are held in remote areas.

 Classes for Expectant Mothers

Unlike in the USA, most patients do not go to the hospital for the delivery of their baby because of the cost, so many go to a medical clinic such as the one FOLA constructed. Ugandans do not have health insurance and must pay their bill in full before delivery. We have encouraged holding classes for expectant mothers to learn all about the changes that take place in their bodies during pregnancy and also about baby care.

New Surgery Center and X-Ray Clinic  

The clinic now has a medical surgery center and x-ray department and an outdoor incinerator to handle medical wastes.

These additions have enabled us to better help the very poor and needy we serve, who are not financially able to afford medical care in the larger hospitals. We want to give special thanks to our faithful FOLA supporters, who sacrificially gave towards this huge project and also to Dr. Birungi Gilbert and his team for overseeing this project. We give God all the glory!

CBC Machine and Oxygen System 

Because of a gracious FOLA supporter, we have been able to purchase a CBC machine for medical testing purposes and also an oxygen system that will help save newborn babies lives. The oxygen system may also be used to treat children and adults. We are very thankful to the Lord for His goodness in caring about the health needs of the truly poor and needy. He cares!

We are so grateful for the medical and dental staff’s heart to serve in their community!



  • Patients pouring into the new clinic

  • Pharmacy

  • Dentist

  • More Birthing Equipment



  • Birthing equipment

  • Oxygen System

  • CBC machine


  • Surgery Room

  • Incinerator

  • Surgery Center 

  • Surgery Center

  • Surgery Center

  • Surgery Center

  • X-ray Clinic

  • Surgery X-ray Clinic

  • X-ray Clinic

  • X-ray Clinic