"He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, That He may seat him with princes— With the princes of His people."
Pslam 113: 7-8

Masindi Medical Clinic

People in the Masindi community live far below the Ugandan poverty level, as they live in huts made of mud and tree poles with grass roofs. Most of these people in this village are uneducated and lack basic life skills. Because of some very serious health issues in this community, we felt a need to open a medical clinic.

Through careful assessment of the Masindi community, we have learned that the new mother/ infant mortality rate in the Masindi area is between 12-20%. That means that 12-20 mothers/ infants out of 100 die either at the time of giving birth or shortly after.

In order to combat this, FOLA financed the funding of a grant to begin a "traveling mid-wife" birthing program to help bring down the childbirth mortality rate. The mid-wife also sees patients at the medical clinic, teachers community health sensitization, pre-natal classes, and baby and early childhood development classes.



Health Sensitization Outreach

FOLA did a health sensitization outreach in Masindi and taught the necessity of cleanliness to keep down germs and disease. Along with this outreach, FOLA  financed the purchase of 240 6-inch soap bars to hand out to those who are not able to afford the cost of soap. We also encouraged the community to continue using soap.

New Medical Clinic Construction Completed

We are very excited to announce the construction completion and opening of our new “Gerber Community Medical Clinic” in Masindi, Uganda where FOLA does mission work. A special thanks to Dr. Gilbert Birungi for his oversight and to all who gave to support this project. For the last 3 years they had leased a facility, but now we have purchased land and have constructed their very own permanent building.

  • New Gerber Community Medical Clinic

  • Patients in Masindi village

  • Dr. Cissy handing out soap

  • Demonstrating hand-washing



  • Teaching expectant mothers

  • Cooking in Masindi

  • Living area in Masindi

  • Masindi kitchen