“Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? "When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ "
Matthew 25:37-40

"Revealing the power of God's love in African communities"

It’s that time of the year again to be thinking about where you can make an investment into the work of the kingdom of God. Always remember to sow into good soil, so you can reap a good harvest. We believe that FOLA is good soil for the following reasons:

  • Faithfulness in ministry for over 8 years
  • NO salaries are paid whatsoever. ALL are volunteers.
  • Funds reach the ground to do the work they were designated for. Only a very small portion of any unallocated funds is kept back for overhead (i.e. newsletters, supplies, etc.)
  • Many projects have been successfully completed.
  • We give accountability and follow-up on all our projects.
  • FOLA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, so all gifts are fully tax deductible.
  • From the Desk of Mary Linette

    Over the past several weeks, the Holy Spirit has been speaking a familiar scripture passage that many of us know. For me, it’s like playing a CD that gets stuck in the same place, as the Holy Spirit seems to like to “burn it in me” so it gets ingrained well and becomes a part of me! I cannot help but feel that it is God’s heartbeat for the message I am writing about today. As we will all soon celebrate Christmas, I would like us to consider the poor and needy….the ones who truly have nothing! I would like for us to rise to the occasion to help bring lasting change into the lives of these Ugandan children and the communities they live in.

    Like our children, these children deserve a bright future….not one of them deserves to live in extreme poverty with no food to eat, where sickness and disease run rampant, and where there is no ability to get an education. Can we all make a sacrifice this holiday season to give as much as we would spend on at least one Christmas present? Any gift size matters!!



Project Updates

Masindi Mercy Junior School

Because of the Masindi Literacy Grant Program, the enrollment at Masindi Mercy Junior School has doubled in size from 140 to 280 students. As we updated you in our last newsletter, the Masindi area had a very serious storm (tornado type) that demolished the Masindi Mercy Junior School outdoor restroom and 1 school buildings that housed 3 classrooms and the school office. Since then, 100 children have been studying outside under a tree. We have reconstructed the restroom. We are believing God for the finances to reconstruct the 2nd building.

Masindi Medical Clinic

We are very excited to announce that we have been blessed by a FOLA supporter and will no longer need to rent a facility for our Masindi Medical Clinic. We have been able to purchase a plot of land and are in the process of constructing our own medical clinic. This truly shows the love and heart that FOLA has towards the Masindi community. Please watch for further completion updates.

Kampala Medical Clinic

We are very excited to announce that we have been blessed by a FOLA supporter and will no longer need to rent a facility for our Masindi Medical Clinic. We have been able to purchase a plot of land and are in the process of constructing our own medical clinic. This truly shows the love and heart that FOLA has towards the Masindi community. Please watch for further completion updates.

Goals for 2020

Masindi Medical Clinic

* FOLA opened medical clinic in October 2017.
* Patients no longer have to WALK 18 ½ miles one way for health care.
* Sponsored health sensitization clinics where basic health care was taught.
* Introduced necessity for washing hands, bodies, clothes with soap through free bar soap outreaches.
* Set up 5 individuals with finances for 5 community soap businesses.
* Brought down sickness, disease and death in Masindi area in significant numbers.
* Wrote and financed grant in 2019 to hire mid-wife to deliver babies.
* Mortality rate for new mothers and newborns was between 12-20%.
* Since grant inception, not 1 mother or baby has been lost.

2020 Grant Goal

Further stabilize medical clinic/mid-wife delivery program. Hopefully, bring on another nurse in 2021. Cost: $2,172 per year.

Masindi Adult Literacy Program
* 4 generations of illiteracy very common in Masindi area.
* Most people did not think that education was important.
* Most people could not read, write, or speak English.

* FOLA saw necessity, wrote and financed Masindi adult literacy program grant in 2019.
* Hired literacy teacher for 1 year to teach and oversee project.
* Had so many applicants that had to cut off registration.
* 1st class has graduated and can now read, write, and speak English.
* Have had 43 registered students, studying in 2 classes.
* 2nd class is still in progress.

2020 Grant Goal

To enlarge adult literacy program by adding another literacy teacher to help lighten the load and take in new more students. Cost: $2,532 per year


Mercy Junior School Fundraiser

Mercy Junior School Fundraiser We had a lot of fun at the FOLA Masindi Mercy Junior School Fundraiser we held on Saturday, November 2nd at Calvary Temple’s Fellowship Hall. It was so great to see old friends and FOLA supporters and felt so much like a “family event!” Mary Linette shared a very touching testimony from Pastor Isaac Chandia (pastor and overseer in the Masindi community) and the effect that FOLA has had in the Masindi, Uganda community and in his own personal life. Special thanks to Brian & Michelle Blum for overseeing the event and for preparing the awesome meal. Also, special thanks to all who came and supported this very important event, as all the monies raised will be used for the reconstruction of the Masindi Mercy Junior School, which had been demolished during a very bad storm earlier this year. Because the building was completely demolished, 100 Masindi children are studying outside under a tree.

Special Needs

Mercy Junior School

Additional funds are needed to help reconstruct the demolished Masindi Mercy Junior School

Masindi Literacy Program

We need $2, 532 in grant funds in order to continue our Masindi Literacy Program in 2020

Masindi Mid-Wife Program

We need $2, 172 in grant funds for our Masindi Mid-Wife Program to continue in 2020


Easy ways to help


Amazon Smile: This is a simple and automatic way for you to support us every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same prices and selection as on Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a percentage of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to “For the Love of Africa Ministries.” Simply go to smile.amazon.com and login to your Amazon account. Select “For the Love of Africa Ministries” as your choice of charity. Then have fun shopping!

Start Shopping Now


Schnucks E-Scrip Card: Your purchases create automatic contributions to FOLA each time you shop using your Schnucks E-Scrip Card. You may contact us, complete our website online contact form, or email us at fortheloveofafricaministries@gmail.com with your name, address, phone number and email address to receive a Schnucks E-Scrip card. We will send you your new card in the mail.

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