2018 Sayyi Chicken Project
2018 Sayyi Chicken Project Sayyi, Uganda is a country village about 1 hour from the capital city of Kampala. People in this village, as well as in many villages in Uganda, are too poor to eat meat more than possibly one or two times per year. To help bring change to this community, FOLA partnered with a pastor from the Sayyi village to begin a chicken project.
We funded the complete project, which included vaccinating all the chickens, providing food substances, and building chicken coups. We began with 10 families from the community, and with the help of a veterinarian from this area, these families were trained on chicken rearing, breeding, egg laying, etc.
We saw results and got to see firsthand how this chicken project brought hope and change to the community. Families’ lives have been affected by this project and we have no doubt this program to can grow, expand, and succeed.