"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all those who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31: 8-9

Medical Missions

God has not called the government to take care of the poor and needy, but instead has called you and me to take care of them.

FOLA takes seriously the command in Matthew 25:37-40 to take care of the poor and needy. Whenever possible when we are on mission trips, FOLA volunteers donate their time working at remote make-shift medical camps.

We have sponsored and raised the finances to purchase prescription drugs, feed the medical staff, and provide transportation for the Ugandan medical teams.

Since 2013, FOLA has sponsored medical camps where over 20,000 patients have been treated for free. Also, many souls have been saved for the kingdom of God at these remote medical camps.

Medical Surgery Testimonies

Healthcare in Uganda Africa:

⦁ Uganda is a 3rd world country, where the healthcare system is still very poor.

⦁ Outbreaks claim many people’s lives due to lack of medical care, poor hygiene and illiteracy.

⦁ Diseases such as malaria, typhoid, yellow fever, and HIV run rampant.

⦁ Most villages do not have healthcare workers, prescription drugs, or any medical or dental services available, but even if they were available in their area, most people must walk many miles one-way to seek medical or dental services and have even died on the way to seek help.

⦁ Ugandan’s have no ability to carry health insurance. There are not any “no-cost, reduced-cost or write-off” medical assistance programs available, nor any government agencies to help. If you cannot pay cash for medical or dental care on the front end, you just die.

⦁ Most hospitals, in large cities, are over-populated and are not affordable for medical and dental patients, so most people never see a doctor or dentist their whole life.

⦁ In most outlying areas, there are no medical facilities at all, so when a severe medical need arises, they either try to survive as best they can or they die.



  • Dentist work

  • Dentist

  • Medicines available

  • Trying on  reading glasses

  • Taking blood pressure

  • Mother and her sick baby at a medical outreach

  • Doctor listening to patients

  • Various medicines available