Revealing the Power of God's love in communities!

"By the time I took my second mission trip in 2012, I was about 75% sure that God was calling me to do a greater work in Africa, so upon my return home, I took time to pray and seek God’s face for His will in my life." "I had no desire to start a ministry, but through the leading of the Holy Spirit in 2013, "For the Love of Africa Ministries" was born.” ~Mary Linette

FOLA has diligently pursued its vision to “make a difference” by coming along side our fellow African brothers and sisters in the area of teaching, training, empowering and equipping, so they may see the unique and glorious gifts God has put within them.

Exciting News! 

Kampala Health Services "Gerber Medical Clinic"

In 2017, FOLA constructed a medical clinic in Kampala, Uganda, and in 2019, we added a birthing unit and laboratory in this facility. We are very excited to announce that we are finishing construction on a surgery center and x-ray department in this same facility and have constructed an outdoor incinerator, to handle medical waste materials. The x-ray department is not quite complete, so pictures of that area will be forthcoming. These upgrades are very much needed, as most people in Uganda are too poor to afford hospital care. The fact is that medical clinics are smaller, more affordable and provide much better medical care. 

surgery center

You find they have 5 to 10 children, who are depending on them, yet they have no income. We have helped establish small scale businesses, some of which are along the road sides. They sell their goods daily and are normally able to get a little income to help support their families. As God provides, we hope to expand this program more.


In order to help sustain our schools, we have planted a number of crops at our “Canan” farm in Masindi and on a 2-acre plot we rented near Kampala, so that we are able to sell some goods and also provide our children with food at our two Mercy Junior Schools. Special thanks to FOLA for their financial support in this endeavor. We also made use of this time to hold demonstration classes in the Masindi area to teach them how to do improved farming.

dr. gilbert in front of incinerator

Since many of the businesses have now opened back up and the food shortage is not as severe, the number of patients has reduced some.

There are still medical expenses we incur on a monthly basis, depending on the patients we are having under our care during that season. There are also a number of people with different medical and surgical issues who need further treatment and operations. Many times these people are neglected, very poor and needy and are unable to meet the cost of medical care. FOLA has stepped in to help!

Right now we still have three people who need urgent care, with two of them needing surgery. The cost for the one surgery is $1,500. We are waiting on the final diagnosis and the cost of surgery on the other patient. We expect that cost to be about $1,500 also. We are looking forward to constructing a surgery room in our Kampala medical clinic, which will help ease our work. This will help us bring in surgeons, who will conduct onsite operations, instead of taking these patients to hospitals, where patients are forced to pay much higher hospital bills.


Need: land / building purchase

Vocational Training Center

We are in the early stages of purchasing a piece of property to be used to open a vocational training center, so that people can be equipped with skills to help them earn a living for their families. We put a down payment on a piece of property and have to pay the remainder within 60 days. We feel like this is really a true “step of faith” that God wanted us to take. Would you agree with us in prayer and possibly give a financial donation towards this great need? If so, please ear-mark your check accordingly in the memo section. Please contact Mary Linette with any questions. 

Because of extreme poverty, poor living conditions and the cost associated with going to school, the illiteracy rate in Uganda is very high. Most people earn about $365 per year. It costs at least $300 per year to send one child to school, which would then leave no monies for food, rent and other very basic necessities. Most do not have any basic skills, except to digging ditches or having children. 

We see the grave necessity to give them a skill-set that will help pull them out of poverty, teach them independence and help them feel good about themselves and their achievements. We want to teach people “how to fish” by beginning sewing/tailoring and hair dressing classes.



* great need for school desks *

Masindi Mercy Junior School

We are very excited to get to announce that through a special donation from some FOLA supporters, we have been able to have school desks and seats constructed for the kids in our Masindi Mercy Junior School. They have been learning in their classrooms by “setting on thin mats” on the ground. Needless to say, the joy that we see on their faces is worth a million dollars! They are now able to see that God loves them, how He cares for them and their education. Because of the virus pandemic, this has been a year-long project. Special thanks to Dr. Gilbert Birungi for overseeing this project.

kids are happy to try new desks!

Since many of the businesses have now opened back up and the food shortage is not as severe, the number of patients has reduced some.

There are still medical expenses we incur on a monthly basis, depending on the patients we are having under our care during that season. There are also a number of people with different medical and surgical issues who need further treatment and operations. Many times these people are neglected, very poor and needy and are unable to meet the cost of medical care. FOLA has stepped in to help!

Right now we still have three people who need urgent care, with two of them needing surgery. The cost for the one surgery is $1,500. We are waiting on the final diagnosis and the cost of surgery on the other patient. We expect that cost to be about $1,500 also. We are looking forward to constructing a surgery room in our Kampala medical clinic, which will help ease our work. This will help us bring in surgeons, who will conduct onsite operations, instead of taking these patients to hospitals, where patients are forced to pay much higher hospital bills.


As God provides, we hope to expand this program more.


FOLA has continued to support a number of families through micro-finance. These are families who were affected, worse than others, during the 2020 virus pandemic. Most of these are single mothers whose husbands left them and provide no financial help. Widows have also suffered greatly! You may find they have 5 to 10 children to care for who are depending upon them, yet they have no means of income. 

We have helped establish small scale businesses, some of which are along the road sides. They sell their goods daily and are normally able to get a little income to help support their families. They borrow a small amount of money from the micro-finance group and pay it back over time, so it can be lent out to others. As God provides, we hope to expand this program more.



helping to sustain our schools at our masindi farm


We are very excited to get to announce that through a special donation from some FOLA supporters, we have been able to have school desks and seats constructed for the kids in our Masindi Mercy Junior School. They have been learning in their classrooms by “setting on thin mats” on the ground. Needless to say, the joy that we see on their faces is worth a million dollars! They are now able to see that God loves them, how He cares for them and their education. Because of the virus pandemic, this has been a year-long project. Special thanks to Dr. Gilbert Birungi for overseeing this project.



Mercy Bible Institute

  • Institute began in 2019
  • Enrollment for 2021 school year is about 200
  • They can earn certificates, diplomas and degrees 
Please consider leaving a gift in your will or add an “end of life gift”
to help the truly poor and needy through For the Love of Africa Ministries!

Special thanks to all who support For the Love of Africa Ministries!
It’s because of your giving that we can continue to complete many important projects.